
Meet Daniel Pendley

An international speaker, sales trainer and author. He has personally trained over 500,000 real estate agents and companies how to skyrocket their incomes, while still having a life!

coaching Realtors to Success for Over 4 Decades of Training

Daniel Pendley is a Life trainer, author, and motivational speaker who has gone through tough trials in life. From losing his namesake daughter when she was 28, to being paralyzed from the neck down, Daniel has recovered and has come back on fire to help people change their lives. He is the author of The Power of the Dream book and by having advised corporate titans, celebrities and entrepreneurs on advanced leadership and business strategies he has become, in a very short time, one of the top business and motivational trainers in the world. He has also coached start-up companies and multi-millionaire entrepreneurs who have dedicated themselves to growing big and giving back.

Daniel Pendley is helping thousands of real estate agents reach their full potential and accomplish their goals. By providing life-long real estate selling techniques and presentations, Daniel is not only creating leaders, but also he is the driving force creating success worldwide.

Professional Trainer Daniel Pendley

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