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Tampa FL
1 full Day Live Training Workshop! Stop Working For Free
One Day Event Selling skills In Real Estate Sales its Presentation, Presentation, Presentation Know what to say and when to say it, selling is a skill pace lead and mirror, asking a question with a question helping your client to understand their own needs.
Click Here


North Carolina
1 full Day Live Training Workshop! Stop Working For Free
One Day Event Selling skills In Real Estate Sales its Presentation, Presentation, Presentation Know what to say and when to say it, selling is a skill pace lead and mirror, asking a question with a question helping your client to understand their own needs.
Click Here

July 11th 2024

Orange County
Live Goal Setting Event
Daniel goes over your goals in every aspect of your life -mentally financially spiritually physically socially and family not only discover your why but how step-by-step to achieve your goals using the compound effect.
Click Here

July 12th

North Carolina
Live Goal Setting Event
Daniel goes over your goals in every aspect of your life -mentally financially spiritually physically socially and family not only discover your why but how step-by-step to achieve your goals using the compound effect.
Click Here

July 18th

Orange County
Master Series Breakthrough Program
In this high energy participation workshop well anchor one moment in time when you were invincible and then convince you that you can get there anytime you want with this powerful exercise Constant - Gentle - Pressure
Click Here

Sept 18th

LA Country
Master Series Breakthrough Program
In this high energy participation workshop well anchor one moment in time when you were invincible and then convince you that you can get there anytime you want with this powerful exercise Constant - Gentle - Pressure
Click Here

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